
Mr. Hassan Sheikh Ahmed, Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, Mogadishu University

The Authentic Thinking and Interpretation of the Attribute of Justice in Islam in the Light of Muslim Sources.


This short paper seeks to discuss the understanding of the Islamic thinking and interpretation of justice derived from Muslim sources written in the English language. The Islamic understanding of justice is
examined and understood as represented by some of the Muslim scholars in the light of the guidance of revelation and therefore it is in the realm of interpretation of the sacred scripture. After a general introduction, the paper starts with and introduces a synopsis of Islamic intellectual and religious tradition. Then the paper attempts to deal with the issue of the definitional treatment clarifies what the term symbolizes, embodies, and conveys in Islam. The research discourse proceeds to determine and delineate the Islamic understanding of justice from the Muslim sources written in English. The paper infers from the refined synthesis of the thoughts, notions, and insights manifested in the sources on how justice is understood, conceived and perceived: justice is interpreted in Islam as an attribute and a reality whose essence and knowledge is eternal but can be attained and manifested through the human agency. The research paper then concludes.