Mogadishu University promotes 12 faculty members to professorial cadre

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In a brief professorial promotion ceremony held at the administration compound, Mogadishu University has promoted 12 faculty members to professorial cadre to formally recognize faculty members.

The university council approved in its last meeting the promotion of these 12 staff after an evaluation committee has presented a report to the council.

In his remarks, Dr. Ibrahim Mohamed mursal said “this an opportunity to honor our faculty members who demonstrated excellence in their fields and contributed to the faculty and community”

“Considering Article 16 of the University by-laws which defines the evaluation and promotion of faculty members, the University Council has decided to promote these members into “FULL PROFESSOR” and “Associate PROFESSOR” cadres” after they have undergone a strict evaluation on their teaching commitment, research and community services”. Prof. Mohamed Hussein Isse, one of the evaluation committee said in a press statement.

Those formally recognized include:


  1. Abdishakur Sheikh Hassan Faqih “FULL PROFESSOR”
  2. Mahdi Mohamed Abubakar “FULL PROFESSOR”
  3. Said Abubakar Sheikh Ahmed “FULL PROFESSOR”
  4. Mohamed Hassan Nor “FULL PROFESSOR”
  5. Mohmed Omar Adam (Sahane) “FULL PROFESSOR”


  1. Ali Dahir Mohamed “ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR”
  2. Shida Cali Kabe “ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR”
  3. Mohamed Sharif Osmaan “ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR”
  4. Abdullahi Adam  Sheikh Hassan  “ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR”
  5. Abdiazis Mahamud Ahmed “ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR”
  6. Shueyb Abdullahi Salad “ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR”
  7. Adam Shidane Guled “ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR”

Mogadishu University has been striving since its historic opening in 1997 to improve faculty members, develop research, and setting academic standards among teaching staff and administrators.


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